Business Communication Assessment Has Become More Important Than Ever

Dr. Karen Walker
3 min readDec 21, 2021

Effective business communication ensures growth in a workplace. This article focuses on the importance of establishing effective business communication.

Business communication is one of the most crucial aspects of a successful business. The recent shift to virtual work across numerous industries has reshaped the function and form of workplace communication.

Business or workplace communication is much more than mere conversations. It involves the exchange of information via multiple different mediums. Unfortunately, roughly 60% of businesses do not have a long-term strategy for their internal communications. Business communication assessment will help companies to define which direction to follow and emphasize creativity and knowledge sharing.

What is Business Communication?

Business communication is the means by which employees share information and ideas, through formal and informal. Communicating effectively is a crucial part of getting projects done on time, whether in-person or virtually.

We all know that the COVID-19 pandemic was a major disruptor to businesses and global communications. While vaccine availability is enabling some areas and industries to get back to normal activities, the trend of a hybrid workforce seems like it will be around for a while. This is why businesses need to focus on virtual workplace communications to ensure growth.

What do you mean by Effective Workplace Communication?

Not all workplaces share information and ideas the same way. New communication techniques and tools are coming up. Effective communication is considered a two-way street. Building context as the sender and choosing an appropriate medium can be tricky. Effective communication should have a context that creates the setting and necessity for the idea or question being stated. Setting includes any external circumstances like urgency, opinions, or culture.

The sender is yet another vital aspect of effective communication in workplaces. Messages are written based on the medium that they float through. The sender’s responsibility is to encode the information they are trying to share to make sure that it can be received.

Thanks to technology, it has improved the mediums we use to communicate across the workforce. Communication channels, these days, enable us to be connected to each other constantly.

The last element to effective communication is the receiver. Receivers are the ones to provide feedback upon receiving information to confirm receipt and understanding.

How Important is Communication for your Business?

According to data, employees with effective communication networks in a work-from-home setting tend to be more productive, have greater work-life balance. Also, they have overall better mental health. In addition, effective business communication improves productivity and creativity. There are multiple reasons why a communication management plan should be a part of every corporate strategy.

Effective workplace communications are key to resolving the difficulties of virtual employee onboarding by creating an inclusive platform and tiered engagement plan.

Innovation also for effective communication. According to a survey, 86% of workers and executives mention lack of collaboration due to ineffective communication as the primary cause for project failures across industries. Therefore, it is imperative to have an effective communication assessment plan in place to improve collaboration across businesses.

Dr. Karen Walker

Personnel Research Psychologist at Department of Justice

Founder of KW Productions



Dr. Karen Walker

Personnel Research Psychologist at Department of Justice